If you have sent images to our server from your imaging system using a DICOM transfer, check the DICOM queue in your imaging system for any error or failure messages.
- If there is an error, we recommend contacting your digital vendor for further assistance with troubleshooting.
- If it shows that the send was successful, and a case is not created in your account after 5-10 minutes, it is possible the images were received but not filed under your account.
Images acquired at another hospital and imported into your imaging system will retain the Institution Name and AE Title of that hospital. Our server uses this information to track images and move them to an account.
- If the information is associated another account, you will need assistance from DVMInsight Support to move the case or you will need to upload the images manually.
- If the information is NOT associated with another account, the images will store in our unknown cases. Refer to the Unknown Cases article for more information.
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